
Raven House Values and Mission

Mission Statement

Raven House provides authentic, vulnerable, and compassionate support for individuals in recovery. We offer a safe space for our residents to develop community, life-skills, and a foundation for lasting sobriety. Through these principles, our residents will rebuild themselves and begin a life worth living.

Guiding Principles

At Raven House we have established principles that, if adhered to in all our affairs, will afford our residents a new freedom and life they never knew possible. Raven House offers a safe space to engage in honesty, compassion, and authenticity in order to help residents rebuild their lives. Those once occupying the epicenter of chaos, can now embrace consistency and serve as a strong force of feedback and support for loved ones. 

Through the rigorous practice of honesty and authenticity, our residents will become great women/people and leaders. Raven House will present our residents with opportunities to be of daily service, a critical element of recovery and sobriety. The House will serve as a safe place for people to express themselves, with 360-degree feedback and support encouraged. We will constantly challenge our residents to embrace the prospect of building a life worth living sober, an idea which may still seem impossible months into recovery. Our themes of authenticity, vulnerability, and compassion will underpin everything we offer to our residents. 

Our residents will be accountable to the House, their fellows in recovery, the community, and most importantly, to themselves.